The teas are undeniably delicious. However, whether they actually work is another story.
Before purchasing, there’s no mention of the significant dietary changes required for the teas to be effective. It’s only after receiving the product that you discover, through the “free e-book”, a list of foods to avoid and dietary restrictions that accompany the cleanse—something that should have been disclosed upfront.
Personally, I believe that making such drastic changes to my diet alone would lead to weight loss, regardless of the teas. This makes the advertising feel somewhat misleading.
That said, the teas taste great, and the nighttime colon cleanse tea is especially soothing. But as for results? I didn’t lose any weight!
I am so pleased I ordered some Blue Butterfly Pea Flower tea. I find the flavour very pleasing, as well as a gentle, soothing, relaxed feeling. Enjoyable before night resting.
A very nice subtle flavour. Would definately purchase again once mine is gone. Arrived well packed and in a timely manner. Thanks
Bondi Beach Tea Co.
April 20, 2018
From a happy customer:
Hey there,
Last week, my diagnosis became official – I have diabetes. The reason why I initially suspected I had diabetes, and the reason why I went to my doctor, has a lot to do with Bondi Beach Tea page. In the last few months, I have noticed a couple of dry skin patches on my arm, I felt like I was a bit more hungry than usual and the last straw that broke the camel’s back, so to speak, was a tiny cut on my finger that took way longer to heal than I was used to. Since diabetes runs in my family, I was doing some light reading on it a few months ago just out of curiosity and I bookmarked your site back then. I vaguely remembered reading about these symptoms in one of your articles so I went back to your site, found your article and connected the dots. The reason I’m writing you is to thank you from the bottom of my heart for putting out such a great resource that resonated with me and made me save it. Without you, I would have probably gone undiagnosed for who knows how much longer until more serious symptoms started to show up.
After reading all that I could about high blood sugar symptoms on Bondi Beach Tea page, I turned to a couple of more sites to double check everything and I thought I’d send you another great one in case you want to share it with others that may be in a similar situation like me. Again, I cannot express my gratitude enough and I just had to reach out and thank you directly like this.
Warmest regards,